Instance Configuration

In this page you will find information about the settings that are used in your current instance.

Table of contents

SSH host keys fingerprints

Below are the fingerprints for the current instance SSH host keys.

Algorithm MD5 SHA256
ECDSA 91:a8:6e:bd:04:f1:74:e4:25:d4:e7:a9:9f:74:9e:c2 2b9764d77b7f931bce9ef32002629832eca38af9100a68f03644ac49d3e036af
ED25519 92:f3:13:4e:e8:a1:59:1d:04:8f:4b:6d:7e:00:15:20 a426b4942c1153e337c735fc65728abb10cf9f2835006033a032e4eff14b5892
RSA 7f:d9:82:f6:25:a2:b8:3d:7f:ed:cd:80:17:9a:db:69 e0e5f8f742f4d5b188b529e0b1b1899369429644e65b3d872f238654345f93bd

GitLab Pages

Below are the settings for Gitlab Pages.

Domain Name
IP Address
Port 80

The maximum size of your Pages site is regulated by the artifacts maximum size which is part of GitLab CI.

GitLab CI

Below are the current settings regarding GitLab CI.

Setting Default
Artifacts maximum size 100 MB 100 MB